Palestine: In Palestine, most brides choose floral patterns that match their dresses, as well as palm tree and leaf-like shapes.
Turkey: The bride’s family and friends dance around her and sing sad songs until the bride starts crying (as a good omen). They later decorate her hands with henna.
Saudi Arabia: In Saudi Arabia, one of the female relatives of the bride is the one who paints the bride’s hands with henna, but the relative has to be happily married or else she will bring bad luck to the bride.
Tunisia: In Tunisia, the henna celebrations last for 7 days! On the 3rd day, the bride wears a traditional dress and has henna painted on her hands and feet. As for the groom, his pinky is painted with henna on the 6th day.
India: In India, the longer your henna stays on your hand the longer it is believed your in-laws will treat you well. If the henna fades out quickly, it’s a sign you will not be happily married.
Sudan: Once you are married in Sudan, it is expected of you to always wear henna on your hands or else you will be criticized for not caring about your husband.
Algeria: In Algeria, the bride’s mother in law presents her with jewelry and paints the henna on her hands.